Friday, December 5, 2014

Ground Attack Links

I've come across some amazing videos recently on various forms of ground attacks, from mass hogs and GoWiVa and GoWiWi to hybrid GoHoWiWi attacks. If you like ground attacks in Clash of Clans, you are going to want to check these out!
  • Hog Rider New Attack Strategy- New Hope Episode 3 - Vodka CoC has a really good guide here to "post-update" hogging, in this new world with unlurable heroes and bigger badder giant bombs. He doesn't just take on premie bases in farming raids, he shows a pro CW 3-star attack versus a powerful TH10 base. A key for the two attacks in this video is enemy heroes positioned near the outside of the base. He uses 36 hogs, 5 wiz, 4 witches and some others, with 3 heals, 1 rage and 1 freeze. 
  • Hog Rider Attack Strategy for TH9 - Episode 2 combo with witches - Vodka CoC also shares some tips for TH9 hoggers post-update. Overall: lure and kill CC, ideally near AQ and with witches; take out the AQ by whatever means necessary (usually your heroes), send in the hogs in a way that avoids double giant bombs and gets to core, 3 heals with a rage in the core; 36 gos, 3 witches, 3 wiz and assorted. A second nice attack is shown with 34 hogs and 4 witches.
  • Have you been crushed by basically giants and wizards in a clan war? Want to know how?
    Vodka CoC is back with a strategy and attack video using giants and wizards to two-star a tough TH10 base in a clan war. It's more of a GiWiWiPe as he adds one pekka and some witches to the 15 giants and 18 wizards. Spells used: 2 rage, 1 heal, 1 jump, 1 freeze.
  • The Hulk shows how to beat "The General" TH9 base with Hogs with a nice 3-star clan war attack. A highlight of Hulk's videos is that he explains every aspect of the attack first, then shows the raid. Watching the HulkFiles can really take your game to a higher level. This attack uses 35 hogs, 2 witches, 7 wizards and assorted troops with 4 heals spells.
  • Like Hybrid attacks? Like GoWiPe but wish it had more 3-star potential as a TH9 facing a max TH9 with lava walls?! Check out this TH9 vs TH9 GoWiPeLoon 3-star clan war attack. The attacker built a custom army for the base, using 2 golems, 2 pekka, 12 wiz, 6 wb, 5 barbs, a giant and 14 balloons along with a jump, bolt, heal and rage. The balloons were sprinkled in throughout the raid as the closest AD dropped. Though the main force could not escape the lava walled core, the loons took out the defenses and got the full win.
    - the same channel, Clash of Clans 3 Stars Clan Wars, shows some other nice hybrid raids with GoHoWiWi (hog-GoWiWi mix), with both a TH10 GoHoWiWi and TH9 GoHoWiWi. These basically subsitute hogs for witches and pekka, following a typical golem-wiz-wb-royals deploy. Or swap out the third golem for 2 witches. For TH9 the hogs do a lot of working, taking 3 heals and one rage. 
  • OneHive Raids has a truly excellent channel for Clash of Clan strategy lovers. One of his favorite attacks is a hybrid of balloons and hogs with witch and wizard support - the HoLoWiWi. It's not for every base, but on certain base types it does a great job at getting three stars. He has a video showing How to Use HoLoWiWi.
  • Cold Blooded GoHo! The Hulk shows a TH9 ripping apart a TH9 with hogs. Coming with the hogs is an attack force designed to kill the AQ and get to the giant bomb area - that queen killer is the "Cold Blood" squad. Lure the CC first, pull to corner you will deploy the Cold Blood squad. Kill CC and golem/witch/royals move in. When bomb dismantled the hogs roll, and roll, and crush. Composition: 32 hogs, 2 witches and 8 wiz 4 barbs, Golem in CC, 3 heals and a jump to get to the buried queen and core bomb.
  • Check out this TH9 vs TH9 GoWiPeLoon 3-star clan war attack. The attacker built a custom army for the base, using 2 golems, 2 pekka, 12 wiz, 6 wb, 5 barbs, a giant and 14 balloons along with a jump, bolt, heal and rage. The balloons were sprinkled in throughout the raid as the closest AD dropped. Though the main force could not escape the lava walled core, the loons took out the defenses and got the full win.
    - the same channel, Clash of Clans 3 Stars Clan Wars, shows some other nice hybrid raids with GoHoWiWi (hog-GoWiWi mix), with both a TH10 GoHoWiWi and TH9 GoHoWiWi. These basically subsitute hogs for witches and pekka, following a typical golem-wiz-wb-royals deploy. Or swap out the third golem for 2 witches. For TH9 the hogs do a lot of working, taking 3 heals and one rage. 
Some Clan War summary videos with Amazing Attacks
  • CoC Clan War E05: InTheDark vs Schlaflos: these guys are incredibly good. ClashWithEd narrates five attacks from this war.
    - First attack (2:10-3:40): A solid GoWiWiPe for 2 stars on a max TH10
    - Second attack (4:00-6:22): An incredible duolavaloonion hybrid 3* with golem and some hogs :)
    - Third attack (6:45-9:05) Duo-Lavaloonion 2* with golem-pekka-hero opener
    - Fourth attack (9:58-12:46) Another great duo-lavaloonion 3* with golem-hero open
    - Fifth attack (13:20-16:10) Duo-lavaloonion with heroes leading the way... another three star!
  • Jake from OneHive Raids gives a recap of war #102 showing four great attacks.
    - First attack (1:00-2:50) GoWiVa plus some hogs, 3 heals and 1 rage, a TH9 on TH9 3-star
    - Second attack (3:00-4:50) An old-fashioned hogging with a twist, loon for CC lure/kill, heroes with witches to take out their heroes, then the hogs are let loose.
    - Third attack (5:11-7:45) GoWiWiPe very close to 3-star, TH10 on TH10.
    - Fourth attack (7:53-10:13) Trilavaloonion crushes a lava-walled max TH9 by a TH9. One hound and a few loons take out one AD and lure CC. Kill with splat. Then his own CC golem and royals followed up by taking out another AD. 
  • OneHive Raid recap of war #103 has some equally spectacular attacks. Two I want to highlight
    - TH9 on TH9 3* Lavaloonion (3:35-6:15) Hound with four loons and rage to kill one AD and lure out. Corner CC and splat kill. Royals deployed near edge for AQ+AD and take both out. The two remaining hounds and just 12 balloons and remaining 9 minions and 3 rage crush the base.
    - TH9 vs TH9 (6:28-) creative 3* of a base with 3 super central AD and big anti-hog ring. Army comp: 30 loons, 2 witches, 10 wiz, 6 barb, CC golem and heal, 2 rage, jump. He uses all the baloons to destroy the outer defense ring and lure (one rage used). Cornered them, deployed witches to kill, the golem released with wiz and soon heroes as normal. Basically the only defenses left are in the core. Jump, rage and heal get it done. Boom, it's wrecked. Similar to ao HoLoWiWi but way more balloons left and less units in phase two.   
Got any other favorite ground strategies or videos for clan wars?


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