Thursday, August 7, 2014

Loon Splat 101

Why Loon Splat:

When balloons are destroyed, they drop to the ground and cause damage. Against buildings, the damage seems small, but against small CC troops, the damage is significant. Using (sacrificing) one or two balloons can allow you to wipe out CC troops, while at the same time, save you from having to carry a Lightning Bolt Spell. Having an extra Rage Spell, or Heal Spell, is extremely beneficial, compared to the small sacrifice of one or two balloons.

Objective of this course:

To teach you how to perform a Loon Splat., thus eliminating your need for a Lightning Spell, and to make you feel all giddy inside when all of the CC troops die from a SPLAT!

Qualifying for a Loon Splat:

First, you need to get ALL of the troops out of the enemy CC. This works best when the CC is full, and/or if the CC has multiple wizards.  This usually occurs in Clan Wars, where there are several archers and wizards in the CC.

This will not work if the CC is filled with aerial troops.
This will not work if there are less than 10-12 archers.


Once you have lured all the troops out of the CC, you need to gather them in one tight clump like this:

C:\CoC replays\Dragaloonion Tutorial vids\Splat Pic.png

Now, find the closest defense, and drop one balloon roughly 2-3 squares further away from that defense.

C:\CoC replays\Dragaloonion Tutorial vids\Splat Pic2.png

This is the end result:

Another example:


Level 6 Wizards (red robes) cannot be taken out with one balloon. A second balloon is recommended to finish them off.

Notice on the second example, that troops will avoid walking through the center of decorations. This will make grouping up CC troops a bit more challenging.

When trying to position the clumped up CC troops, try to make sure there is only ONE obvious defense that the balloon will head toward. If in doubt, lure the troops to a place where the ONE closest defensive building is obvious.

It is extremely useful, before deploying the balloon, to check for the direction it will go, THEN ZOOM IN. This will allow you to place the balloon in a more exact position. Extremely helpful on phones, as well as tablets.

This WILL take practice. Don’t give up!


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  2. To teach you how to perform a Loon Splat., thus eliminating your need for a Lightning Spell, and to make you feel all giddy inside when all of the CC troops die from a SPLAT! clash of clans hack
